Earthshaker: Strange creatures, knight..hard shells, with a liquid center. 阵亡的时候:Not my fault...(不赖我。。)杀死敌方英雄的时候:It was your own damn fault.(这TM都赖你。) SV: I guess they let just anyone be a knight these day 这个就是在嘲讽了。虽然斯温被叫做流浪剑客,但他其实是一名骑士(Rogue Knight),这一点可以通过了解背景故事得知。这句话是在他杀死全能/龙骑/混沌之后说的。烈焰开服一条龙服务 SV: What you call righteousness, I call foolishnes 斯温的经历让他反对(仇视)世间普遍所认为的正义与荣耀。只遵循自己内心的斯温在杀死全能/陈之后会说出上面这句话。上面两句斯温杀死蓝猫之后说的。天龙开服一条龙服务斯温的性格就和他的技能一样简单粗暴,当他杀死像蓝猫这种不刚正面的英雄时就会嘲讽一下。 SV: I would not kill a maiden, but you forced the issue. 作为一名骑士肯定是不该(不屑?)杀大家闺秀的,所以在他杀死冰女之后会说这样一句话。 SV: You should have stood and fought like a man, even if youre not one. 类似于嘲讽蓝猫,这是嘲讽蚂蚁的(同飘逸型英雄)。奇迹Mu开服一条龙服务前半句很帅,结果看到后半句楼主直接笑抽了。。 SV: Had I a face like yours, I too would wear such a mask. SV: From a lowly birth in the Shadeshore ruins, who could ever guess I would fight among Heroes? 斯温的过去还是让他在心里感到自卑,尽管看上去很MAN(这是不是与ES说的那句相吻合) 一个(男)人…处在一个世界的敌人之中… SV: Daedalus! This is going to be absurd. 斯温本人没详细说清,也许只是在感慨大炮的威力,也许是和代达罗斯这个人物有关?(感兴趣可以找一下代达罗斯的含义,很有意思) Tiny: I thought you were made of rock like me, but I guess it was only chalk. Tiny: Aw, Medusa, I thought you were gonna help me make friend Kunkka: I thought I hated demons, but I didnt know what hate was till I met that Shadow Fiend. Kunkka: I never tire of hearing my name on your lip Kunkka: Ah, Tidehunter, you were my better half. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] ...[13] 下一页13 更多内容:dota2菠菜 dota2菠菜网 dota2饰品 dota2饰品交易 ti4 dota2 ti4 微信二维码: 微信号:DOTA2福利中心 DOTA2福利中心旨在为玩家带来更多的游戏福利,每天都有激活码,宝箱钥匙,精美饰品发放弹弹堂2浪漫七夕,13-14日